The Natural Health Co.
About Us
About - The Natural Health Co.
Thankyou for visiting The Natural Health Co. website – You have taken the first step to making a positive change in your life.
People and their Health has always been my passion, so it is with your Potential best in mind that I invite you to peruse this website and know that we have something to offer you to develop your Potential/Passion/Purpose. NHCL – established in 1990 – is a complete package service offering to encourage and maintain `Good Health`.
Who We Are
My name is Una McClory, Life Coach (ICF accredited) and Natural Health expert – based in Ayrshire, Scotland. With 20 years experience in Natural Health therapies and Life Coaching skills, I am now able to deliver an extensive support program to meet the needs of each individual and/or corporation. The range of solutions I provide meet the physical, mental and emotional needs of each individual to maximise their potential in life and job function.

What is Life Coaching?
Professional life coaching is a powerful, interactive, thought-provoking and creative process that allows you to
Deepen your learning
Enhance your quality of life and
Improve your performance
Discover and develop your potential
A life coach is professionally-trained personal-change expert and plays an important role in facilitating the client’s personal and professional growth. Our vision for life coaching is based on the NHCL self-empowerment model.
Why Hire a Coach ?
Successful people hire coaches – corporate leaders, athletes, famous artists. They have a sense of what it may take to achieve their goals and they know, from experience, that coaches help people exceed their expectations and get exceptional results. Their intent to hire a coach is pro-active and strategic.
In other cases, the coaching process may begin because there is a specific challenge to overcome specific challenges, manage life transitions, improve skills, change careers or develop healthy lifestyle habits.
The benefits of coaching are extensive especially when the timing is right. You have the answers. Your life coach helps you discover the reservoir of infinite possibilities within and helps you develop the process you need to achieve your goals.
What we will do for you
- Deepen your Learning
- Improve your Performance
- Enhance your Quality of Life
- Discover and develop your Potential
- Encourage & maintain Good Health
- Improve Focus & Motivation
- Workplace Stress Reduction
What People Say About Us
Weight – Loss
“Hi, I totally enjoyed the Life Coaching Journey- I looked forward to my coaching sessions and my whole life has been tweeked onto a better track. I set a Goal – which was to lose 3stones in weight – I lost 3stones and 7lbs. Yipee..
How did I achieve it ?
I decided what My Goal should be and was Guided/Encouraged/Challenged by Una as my Coach- and working together I reached my goal.” – Aly
Personal Challenge
“Began my journey in a rather negative and hopeless manner – However during my coaching with Una – I noticed myself improving and taking stock of my life – I decided to live my life – not let my life live me!
I was and still am going through IVF treatment – So now I `Go with the flow` and understand that I may get my baby – but also know that I will survive whatever happens. I am proud of me and what I have achieved through `Life Coaching` I was supported through my entire Journey.” – Ang
Weight – Loss
“Life was living me!! Now after Life Coaching I can honestly say `Yahoo Im on track again`. Overweight and overburdened with emotions. I felt that I had completely lost track with all aspects of my life!Following a Major Stroke – the death of my wife – Obstacle after Obstacle…
Life Coaching has changed everything for me – I am much more confident and taking life by the reigns – Already I have lost 1 stone and will lose another one – I am starting the gym and am so excited about my future with less bulk and more energy to enjoy the adventures of life.” – Al
Our Business
Our Client list is extensive and we have quite a few original clients who have been having treatments since 1990. All Treatments are explained on the Natural Health page.